
Coffee scoop Fade

Coffee scoop Fade

Such colour variation!

Functional geometry

Functional geometry

Beautiful eyes

Beautiful eyes

Trust me, she has lovely eyes. 

Spoon Carving - Finishing Cuts

Carving by candlelight: Short video showing the final few stages of the spoon carving process.

Source –

Two Scoops

Two Scoops

Nuff said...

The Egyptians don't own pyramids..

The Egyptians don't own pyramids..

I didn't even use slaves...

Nectar of the gods

Nectar of the gods

Salty salty butter

Every Facet

Every Facet

Makes me love thee more.

Passing it on.

Passing it on.

New spoon carvers are born.

Makes food taste better

Makes food taste better


The perfect thing

The perfect thing

Perfect little things

Perfect little things

Scooping goals.

Scooping goals.

A Welsh cawl spoon

A Welsh cawl spoon

Inspired by Owen Thomas.

Hold it up to the light

Hold it up to the light

Hand-cut facets are the antidote to mass production

Crazy grain

Crazy grain

Butter paddles in beech

Careful, it could grab you!

Careful, it could grab you!

Corkscrew hazel has a mind of its own...

Coffee Scoop

Coffee Scoop

Butter Anyone?

Butter Anyone?

Carved by hand and eye. Straight lines are for dweebs

The birthplace of spoons

The birthplace of spoons

Pocket Spoon

Pocket Spoon

For every eventuality.

Liberating Spoons

Liberating Spoons


Wedding Spoons

Wedding Spoons

Because who needs another toaster?

Fillin' My Basket

Fillin' My Basket

Stand up for yourself

Stand up for yourself

Chip Carving

Chip Carving

Making tiny pyramids...

Bench top

Bench top

Always a mess

Gecko fingers

Gecko fingers

Three lovely faceted spoon backs

Stack 'em up

Stack 'em up

Coffee love

Bringin' it Indoors

Bringin' it Indoors

It's far too cold out in the workshop lately!

Birth of Spoon Carvers

Birth of Spoon Carvers

Spoon carving course underway

Carving Seat

Carving Seat

My own form of meditation...

Lovingly made

Lovingly made

Lemons beware!

Lemons beware!

Beans in a pod

Beans in a pod



Experimental spicy veg and plum salsa on the menu




So long as I have hands

So long as I have hands

I will make tools, so long as I have tools to make them with.

Olives, mmm!... Olive juice, yuk!

Olives, mmm!... Olive juice, yuk!

Leave the juice behind

Honourable Discharge

Honourable Discharge

Thou art hereby relieved from service.

Making chips

Making chips

I find them in my pockets, socks, hair, bed.....

When life gives you lemons...

When life gives you lemons...

Buy a Hewn lemon reamer and make cocktails!

Teaspoons, teaspoons

Teaspoons, teaspoons

A nice wooden teaspoon is like an old friend to accompany you while you make the tea.

A Pile of Spoons

A Pile of Spoons

It's satisfying to put all my recent work in a big pile...

Staying Warm

Staying Warm

Winter time calls for round-the-clock stove feeding

Cottage Industry

Cottage Industry

Working by natural light reveals every imperfection..

There's not much that's better than carving outside the workshop on a sunny morning

There's not much that's better than carving outside the workshop on a sunny morning

The beauty of using hand tools is the peace and quiet! It's practically meditation.

Proudly On Show

Proudly On Show

Check out my blog to find out how I made this...

Spoon blanks are initially shaped using an axe

Spoon blanks are initially shaped using an axe

A partially finished teaspoon waits patiently while I photograph it.

A partially finished teaspoon waits patiently while I photograph it.

Curly shavings make me happy!

Made to be used

Made to be used

What a joy to use this fish slice is!

Lunch is better when eaten with a wooden spoon, from a wooden bowl

Lunch is better when eaten with a wooden spoon, from a wooden bowl

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba

Curly shavings make me so very happy!

Curly shavings make me so very happy!

The makings of quite a few spoons...

The makings of quite a few spoons...

Tall,Dark and Handsome.jpg
You should really treat yourself to a beech reamer to make your morning orange juice...

You should really treat yourself to a beech reamer to make your morning orange juice...

CerryGrain 1.jpg
My maker's mark

My maker's mark

I mark every piece with a signature that is inspired by the ogham letter 'E'. Ogham is an ancient Irish alphabet. Many ogham letters were named after trees. The 'E' was named 'eadhadh' after the aspen tree.

Winter Soup

Winter Soup

The beauty of a wooden bowl is that it doesn't get too hot to hold and it keeps your soup warm! Why would you use anything else?

The View

The View

What a lovely February day...
